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Writer's pictureBecky Willey

Grace Through Cancer

Updated: Apr 1, 2023


So I thought today I’d share a few thoughts about how I have seen God work through a cancer diagnosis the past few months.

Let’s start with the FACTS!

In early October (on my birthday), I found out I had breast cancer. The good news was they caught it early and it was very treatable. Immediately I began my new part-time job that I never wanted – getting better. I was poked and prodded, had numerous doctor appointments, 2 surgeries at Thanksgiving and Christmas and am currently halfway through a month of radiation! When that is done, I will take medication for 5 years to prevent recurrence and I will fly the “Survivor Flag.”

But here comes the good part. GOD’S GRACE has been evident every step of the way. What a privilege to see Him lead, guide, encourage and keep me these past few months. I’m sure I will be singing His praises for years to come, but here are a few ways I have seen His Amazing Grace!

Peace - The moment I heard the words “you have cancer” I was overcome with peace. I knew that my days were numbered by the Lord and I didn’t have to fear the future. To live is Christ and to die is gain. So cool to realize that I really believed God when times got tough. My faith is real because my God is good and trustworthy.

Presence - I’m not sure I have ever felt the nearness of the Lord like I have these past few months. He is with me and I am never alone. I have also come to appreciate Rob’s presence more than ever before. He promised to love me in sickness and health, and he has risen to the challenge. He has been at every appointment and anticipated my every need. He has loved me incredibly well. What a blessing to have a God and a husband who are always with me.

People – God graciously gifted me with 2 dear women who have walked this journey before me. One of my closest friends only a couple months earlier and a new sweet friend who had walked it a few years ago. They understood with a glance what others simply cannot. They prayed for me, gave me gory details of what to expect ;) and continue to check on me throughout the process.

The Church - I have been overwhelmed with the love and care that I have received from my church. Gifts, prayers, texts, cards, rides and meals. What a blessing to see God’s people come together and love me well. I have also learned first-hand from their example how to bless others in the future as they receive the same diagnosis.

Rest – Rob has “graciously” encouraged me to rest through this journey I am not very good at slowing down. But my time with the Lord has been sweeter and more precious to me recently and I am thankful for this season of rest. I recently found this quote in a cancer devotional book and it resonated me so very much:

“”Let this time of tiredness be a time of solitude where you can recharge your life, where your wounds are oiled by the balm of Gilead, your courage renewed, and your body nourished by my love.” Henri Nouwen. I am trying not to waste this time of rest.

And Finally….

Perseverance – Radiation is no joke. I am tired and ready to be done. But I am thankful ahead of time that God will give me the grace to persevere. To run with endurance the race set before me. He has done it before and He will do it again.

I am confident that the same grace I have seen God lavish upon me the last 54 years, will show up today and tomorrow and next year and beyond. What a blessing to continue to see God’s abundant grace in my life

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

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